"Hope costs nothing."- Sidonie Gabrielle
That's not entirely true.
Hope - Phil Kessel - costs first and second round draft picks in 2010, a first round draft pick in 2011, and $5.4 million a season.
And you know what? He's worth it.
"Hope costs nothing."- Sidonie Gabrielle
Posted by
Navin Vaswani (@eyebleaf)
Tags: a new chapter, draft schmaft, Hope, how could anyone not like him, phil kessel will lead us to the promised land, Toronto Maple Leafs, trading draft picks (first-rounders preferably)
To all the haters:
It is now clear, Burke was right when he said a player like this doesnt become available often.
Marc Savard who?
Amen to that Brother
Can i get a hallelujah!
Right on. Definitely more than advertised.
And shout outs to Nik Hagman too. He's been rather unworldly himself.
I'm not a huge hockey guy, but I don't think Kessel's skill will ever be in question. Hasn't he had a lot of nagging injuries though? And Will Carroll always likes to say that staying healthy is a skill, and some guys have it, and some guys - J.D. Drew, Nick Johnson - just don't.
The guy sure is delivering!! I still question the timing of the deal. Without the proper support along with him he may be a one man show. Thank goodness for Hagman right now. Give the other team something else to worry about.
Good timing or not though, I love watching this guy score goals for the Leafs.
i love you you crazy little hope machine
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