Toronto FC, in the biggest game of its young existence, delivered the type of pathetic performance only a Toronto team could in a must-win situation.
The Toronto Maple Leafs? A strong, and much better, effort. But another loss. Another fucking loss. I don't know about you, but when I think about the Leafs, I find it impossible not to shake my head in disgust. There's certainly no pressure on Phil Kessel to live up to that 2010 first-round draft pick, which I pray - to Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna ... you name 'em, I'm praying to 'em - will not be a lottery pick.
And to end the weekend, a champagne shower of one A.J. Burnett. What we all wanted to see. Fucking Yankee$.
There are so many photoshop possibilities with this photo, I can't wait ...
I can't speak about those other teams over in your neck of the woods, but seeing the Yanks win seems like an inevitable form of pain.
However, Burnett wasn't great this time around, and perhaps we'll get to see him melt down on the greatest stage of all - here's hoping.
Have you seen this yet?
Two more losses and we tie the 1967 (!!) Leafs for longest losing streak in history.
brb, drinking myself into oblivion and hopefully when I wake up, TO teams can win.
Your ever present optimism has abandoned you. People such as mysellf count on your positive attitude to help us through these tough times.
The most Positive Toronto Sports person.....eyebeleaf, has turned into me....
Welcome to my side...the pessimistic side...
I will never, ever give in to the forces of the dark side, Bhatti. I will never join your ranks.
This is what the kids like to call "a moment of weakness."
I know what I'm about. And that's the playoffs(!!1). Albeit a couple of years from now, by the looks of it. I hope.
Stay strong, eyebleaf. It's gonna get better. I swear to god, it really is.
Stop kidding yourself, i have been a leaf fan before you were born (if you were born after 1980), in any case, being on the pessemistic side has it good parts....
-one, being able to say i told you so to all those hopeful leafs fans.
-second being able to cheer when you are proved wrong..
to me thats a win win...
Dont worry, you can be my mini-me.
- No way. I refuse to bow to your standards of pessimism. I'd rather stand by my team and keep cheering, even if they're 0-7-1 and dead last in the NHL.
- And another thing, the good thing of being an optimist, is being able to say "I told you they'd do it" when they finally prevail.
(BTW, born in the early 90s {90-91}, so yeah.)
I went to bed last night having never cheered for the Philadelphia Phillies in a game in my life, and woke up their biggest fan. That's how much I despise AJ and co.
bhattorious - always interesting reading your comments. life is too short, enjoy the good things in life. **think i've said that to you numerous times in the past.
Pavel Kubina - I'm with you man. enjoy the game of hockey.
The leafs/jays/raptors can all suck and if they never ever win a stanley cup, another world series, or larry o'brien trophy in my lifetime I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. it would be great to see a championship here in toronto but seriously, what does a championship bring me? i love sports and all i care about when i sit down to watch a game is it is competitive and entertaining.
AJ is so overpaid and everyone knows it.
This question goes out to everyone.
If the Jays had a $250mil budget and signed the top free agents every year (like the Yanks), would you still cheer for them and be a die-hard Jays fan?
On The Fence Sports
Who said i didnt watch the games and cheer when they score, of course i do (even now).....i wish they would do well...and when i think they have a team worth cheering for, i will be the first on the wagon, best beleaf....
I am just a realistic fan.
OTFS - I don't know if I like where you're going with that. I did not find it hard to cheer for a team that once had the highest payroll and that signed Jack Morris, Dave Winfield, Paul Molitor, Dave Stewart, and traded prospects for David Cone, and Rickey Henderson.
QJays - Easy to cheer and back your home team when you have the resources but once someone else has it, people complain? Sounds like the childish/selfish attitude of "If I can't have it no one else can have it either".
Not sure if you fall in this boat.
On The Fence Sports
I'm not sure that I fall into that boat -- but my point was that the Jays WERE the "Yankees" of the early 1990s. (And those were good times, so maybe we all suck for enjoying it?)
I've not been trumpeting payroll as much as most, and I hate that payroll has anything to do with it in the first place -- but it also seems to be a reality of how this team will win in the future.
I'm not personally one to cheer more or less for the Jays based on win-loss record, and I watch the season from front to back, but I also think of myself as a baseball fan first -- I like watching competitive baseball and I find the playoff races and the playoffs themselves to be amazing to watch.
Anyway - I definitely see your point, but on the other hand, everybody wants to see their own team win, and it's simply less probable that will happen without a competitive payroll. I'll still watch the Jays next year regardless - until the playoffs when I'll have to watch other teams.
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