I'm in Amsterdam, on route to New Delhi. I don't have much time. I paid three Euros for 15 valuable minutes on the internet.
I'll be back next week, and my biggest fear was coming home to the still-winless Toronto Maple Leafs. I need not worry anymore.
I'm celebrating the Maple Leafs' victory with the Dutch, and feel just about the same as Tomas Kaberle and Lee Stempniak, above.
Kaberle, five points. That's my boy.
Good luck! Does Europe also have those wacky $1 and $2 coins? Whenever I make a trip up to Canada, I have to remember that change isn't worthless.
they dont have 1 or 2 dollar coins in europe...because they dont have dollars. they have euros. retard.
Pfttt, dollars, Euros, whatever.
Yeah, let's jump on Steve G for not saying euros. Seems like a reasonable reaction. Not all of us in Toronto are total
a- holes Steve...
Oh I know - Toronto is an awesome city. I visited three or four years ago and enjoyed doing touristy things like stopping by the zoo and checking out some of the shops. Everything was so clean too, like the streets and what not.
I've also had a lot of fun in Quebec City, Montreal and Niagara. (I obviously have so much street cred, hitting the most touristy areas possible in Canada...)
Steve - You hit up Super Sex in Montreal?
On The Fence Sports
Fun game to watch, although Hiller looked less than spectacular, especially on the 1st Hagman goal, in any case a win is a win, now we need to keep winning so The Bruins do not get #1
That's 2 games in a row where we outplayed our opponent. Stempniak looks like a keeper. The Monster is SICK. Its been so long, I almost forgot what it feels like to have a goalie back there.
Awesome Goaltending = WIN.
Tomas Kaberle being awesome again = EPIC WIN.
Big game for Kabby. And the Ninja finally breaks through. Hopefully this is the start of something good for Stempy. He's been working hard. Kaberle suddenly on pace for 80 assists and 90 points.
Forgot to say...
Dam, you are getting around the world my friend. Amsterdam?!?!
Lucky man.
On The Fence Sports
Oh man. How can I get your take on Beeston if you're galavanting around Europe? Obviously, thats a cool trip of a lifetime, so enjoy and get back safely.
Speaking of Quebec City, I still think that's the most romantic city in North America (when it's above freezing and the wind isn't howling anyway).
nevermind... cubs denied it :(
@ Kush: Believe in Vernon Wells.
Wells to the Cubs...we better get Milton in return...
On the Fence Sports
not all of Europe has the Euro. The UK has pounds and Eastern Europe has a load of weird currencies, most of which are worthless which is why you can use US dollars in Eastern Europe.
Stemps on Kabbie Man love has me feeling funny in a good way...
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