I told myself not to get my hopes up over Aroldis Chapman, the stud Cuban southpaw looking for a Major League Baseball home. Obviously, I didn’t take my own advice. Getting my hopes up is what I do; it’s how I live my life.
And then, as if on cue, it all comes crashing down.
According to an inside source, word has it, from The Beest himself, that the Jays have offered Chapman $15 million. And that’s as far as they’re willing to go.
Reports across the land have Chapman signing a deal at, or north of, $20 million, effectively ruling out our Toronto Blue Jays. My heart weeps.
Now, I’m praying to the baseball Gods that I’ve gone all Bob Elliott on you here, and that Chapman does indeed head north.
But I wouldn’t get my hopes up.
From all accounts, he's pretty darn raw and as of yet, doesn't know from pitch to pitch where the ball is going to go. $15 to $20 million is a lot of money for a guy who might pan out or might now.
That $15 to $20 million would be over a few years; I've heard four, maybe five. The money is similar to what a top draft pick might receive; a raw top draft pick. He's young, controllable, and throws 97 on the gun. I think it's worth the investment.
He is definitely worth the investment... Come on Rogers.. Pony up please.... We need this, it is a pretty step forward and in the right direction
eyebleaf, I posted a question/response to your comment over at DJF but I suppose posting here makes more sense. Just curious how legit you believe your source to be, is it someone from the Jays front office? Also why would the jays even get involved if they are capping their offer at 15 million when they know Boston already offered 15.5? It makes no sense, was there no real intention, just trying to build up PR? This feels as dissapointing as the draft to me.
This is the first news that the Jays haven't offered him the $20 million he's asking for. While I'm sure they can assure him a fair shot at the starting rotation (probably one of the best shots in the league), I think this kid is really all about a high pay check. I'll be very disappointed if he goes to the Angels...
It seemed like momentum was swinging in favour of the Jays on this one, but now it sounds like they are pulling up.
It's a damn shame though, because I'd love to see this kid pitch in Toronto. The Jays haven't had a real fireballer since Brandon League!
@ JohnnyG: My hopes up are still up.
@ Clint: I hate to get all journalistic on you, b/c I can't compromise the source, but I believe him to be VERY trustworthy. I wouldn't post this if I didn't. Perhaps the Jays believe they can offer Chapman a less scrutinized market. I really don't know their motivation.
@ Adam: I think that's one reason the Jays won't go as high; Chapman goes at or near the top of their pitching prospects, with the pipeline to the majors being a lot shorter with Toronto. With the Angels having lost Lackey, I wouldn't be surprised if he does end up out west. And coming from Cuba, we can't be surprised that he might simply take the richest offer. I probably would.
@ Ian: It seems like with Beeston running the ship, the Jays have rigid limits.
Oh, the Brandon League era. Was good times.
@ Anon: Ahem ... thanks ... ahem.
Oh wow. You had me worried for a second. I thought your link was to an actual source. All better now.
This depresses me slightly, but nonetheless the fact that we came this far in the Chapman sweepstakes still shows a renewed dedication to building this team aggressively. I'm sure your source is being honest about what he/she's been told, but I can't help wondering to what degree Beest is posturing with this one. I don't see how people single out the Jays and the Angels as the two favorites if one of those teams aren't even willing to match Boston's offer. I think if anything they're trying to goad Boston/NY to getting their 11th hour offers on the table so the Jays no the real cost of getting Chapman.
Err, *know
Damn my refusal to proofread.
This depresses me slightly, but nonetheless the fact that we came this far in the Chapman sweepstakes still shows a renewed dedication to building this team aggressively.
I would agree wholeheartedly with that sentence. My source is honest. Again, I wouldn't post this if I didn't believe that to be the case. It's very rare that I post "breaking news" or anything of that sort. The source is legit. I just love how the anonymous commenters from DJF believe that if the source isn't linked to on the internet, if that person hasn't written down what he/she has heard, it's a bunch of bullshit. I guess they forget that people still talk to one another, and ask that they not be revealed.
I hope Beest is posturing. Perhaps Chapman has spoken to other defectors, Contreras comes to mind, and he's heard about the pressures that come with going to a market like Boston and New York. Perhaps that kept Toronto in the race.
I'm just curious why it took so long for this info to come out. Seems like Toronto was a contender all week...
The Jays seem to be running a tighter ship when it comes to this type of information. It's a new era!!1
Drunk Jays Fans linking to an article claiming the Jays offer is $23 million. Or at least that being the spin from Marlins front office to justify dropping out of the race for the most hotly contested Latin American prospect in years.
Not to say I don't trust you...but smart organizations leak misinformation all the time.
$23million. I like this source. http://www.elnuevoherald.com/deportes/story/623681.html
@ Comfortable: I saw that. Parkes hates me. I'm going to have to hold off telling him to fuck off for a good few days. I find it interesting to see the spin from the different organizations.
@ BFF: Whether you trust me or not is your right, good sir. But I'm with you; hopefully this is part of The Beest's plan.
@ Adam: I doubt anyone's going above $23 million. What do you think?
Cuba to Canada? Not sure that was one of the things on the mind of Chapman when he decided to leave his home country. Unless the Jays up the ante there is no way his representatives would even consider recommending Toronto to the young lefty.
To play in Toronto, most players need a premium added to their contracts. Sad part of being a Jays fan.
I'm not sure if anyone would go over $23 million. He may be lacking the Dice-K hype, but the kid has talent. Maybe someone will find more money to attract him... I think once it's over the $20 million mark, he HAS to start thinking about which team will place him in what league, or in what spot in the rotation.
@ on the fence.
Cuba to Canada customs is a hell of a lot easier then Cuba to US for family and friends. Not too mention I imagine the question on how quickly he can get to play in the bigs plays a factor as well.
That being said the almighty dollar will largely play the biggest role as it always does (Not criticizing as it would for me as well, just observing)
This Chapman possible signing is getting as much speculation from Toronto fans as the Halladay trade. Who ever said Toronto isn't a baseball town?
I don't doubt your source, brother. That's why they call it an "inside source" or "unnamed source" because obviously that person doesn't want to get in shit.
Now with the whole report of the Jays making an offer over $20 million, the plot thickens ...
@ Adam: I think he's lacking the Dice-K hype b/c he's younger, and unproven. Dice-K ripped up Japan before coming over, if I recall.
@ Johnny G: THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. She is above all.
@ Mattt: There's no such thing as an off-season, and that's a beautiful thing.
@ Ian: I have no other choice to respect the source, regardless of what is said about me here and at DJF. It is what it is.
And it's def interesting to see that we may have offered $20 million. If it's true, great, and hopefully it's enough to make Chapman a Blue Jay.
That's exactly it Eyeb - it is what it is. All very interesting stuff -- I'd rather hear about an "inside source" who someone else believes than wait around for the Jays to make an announcement. Hell, even named sources (i.e. JP Ricciardi as Jays GM) spill out BS from time to time - so just go with it. And thanks for being up front with the info.
Read it - weigh it - think.
Seriously, if blogs start slagging other blogs for not sticking to official sources -- well, then I guess I'll just start reading the fucking sports in the Star again.
I'm just excited that we're in contention for a free agent that other teams actually want.
@ QJays: I'd love to know how much actually was offered by the Jays. Even guys like Blair and Griffin were calling the $23 million a "reported" offer. Who the hell knows? But I still have utmost faith in my source, and have no regrets about posting $15 million. I'm not surprised from the reaction from other blogs and bloggers. It's typical.
@ Escaped: The excitement isn't over; hopefully Carlos Delgado is on his way back home.
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